A CRISIS OF PERSPECTIVE: Pundits in Denial are Cratering Their Creditability

The Words of the Prophets

Richard Bledsoe “Hapless Scrivener (Make with the Word)” oil on canvas 48″ x 36″

I do lots of random internet browsing in pursuit of my various obsessions. It’s part of the fascination of the online experience, how one thing leads to another. There’s always more to discover, ranging from truth to lies to possibilities; a world without end, it seems. I’m always exploring new sources, which makes it hard to recall where I may have seen some particular intriguing information in the first place.

Such was the case after the great election hoax that’s been unfolding since November 3. I remembered I’d read some months before a prediction of what was going to go down, but I didn’t remember where I saw it. I was skeptical at the time, but son of a bitch. It seems like it happened.

I recently found it again. The twitter feed of a supposed Deep State insider turned whistleblower, Johnheretohelp. Look what he claimed on July 21, 2020:

Not 100% accurate. If anything, this shadowy figure underplayed the fraud resources and coordination from local, national, and international sources. Also some of what he describes hasn’t occurred yet-but let’s see what happens after January 6th.

We are supposed to roll over and accept an illegitimate election that will be an extinction level event for our Constitutional Republic. A complete capitulation to a cabal of our enemies foreign and domestic.  2020 was a series of battles in an Invisible War against Chinese communists. They launched an overhyped bioweapon to manipulate the international order. To maximize the destruction, they activated all the sleeper agents and minions they have infiltrated into our global elites for decades. 

The point is, this is the urgent story we are living right now. The theft of an election as the catalyst for the destruction of the free world. Not a Biden victory, but a massive scheme by hostile powers to fake and force and wish it into existence, aided by the corruption of our legislatures and judiciary at every level of government. It’s the most stunning story that has occurred in my lifetime. We’re at a point of no return, full of danger. Whatever happens, the world will never be the same.

For the record I believe Donald Trump and his team were prepared for these efforts, and will be using all of the powers vested in the chief executive office of the greatest nation on earth to crush the enemies of liberty. I don’t know how it will be stopped, but I’m assuming it will have to be a military grade operation at this point. I also believe we the people are receiving a belated wakeup call as well, and will do what needs to be done. And I pray, secure in the knowledge we are all in God’s hands.

I’m so hungry for information to illuminate where this is heading. I keep up my compulsive internet browsing to find evidence of the rapidly unfolding events.

Yet many of my online resources aren’t coming through. The “conservative” websites and commentators I have relied on for years to provide an alternative to the Big Media censorship we live under, are letting me down. It’s like this crisis isn’t even happening.

Instead, I see countless plodding announcements about the latest Biden horrorshow of Obama retread personnel and policy. Nudging little snark pieces about Biden’s latest dementia fueled gaffes and evasions, which is pretty much all he produces. Subdued reports on the latest catastrophic Marxist plan to terminate stability, wealth and freedom by reenergizing every “America Last” program previously dreamed up by our globalist masters, and adding a bunch of new ones as well.

Many in our chattering class wants to pretend this was just another four year election. Win some, lose some, ho hum, business as usual.

I’m not seeing the outrage of being cheated out of our birthright of democracy. No concerns about the exposure of an unaccountable political class that just does whatever it wants because they will never lose at the ballot box again. No rallying calls to stand up for the freedom we assumed we would always have. Conservative, Inc doesn’t even seem to notice we are being assaulted by China, paving the way for the most relentless totalitarian surveillance state American Big Tech can enable.

I don’t know why so many of those on the right are failing to face reality at this critical time. The reality is if we fail this time, there is no next time. The villains who are claiming victory are telling us what our new conditions are going to be like. China will rule the world, with assists from Iran and European Union. The United States will be no more, and our former citizens will be eating insects and weeds in the Great Reset gulag camps for Covid vaccine deniers. Unless Antifa decides to bludgeon us to death first, while the defunded police stand by and watch.

So pundits, do your part. This is the moment to use your communication skills and platforms to stand up for the principles you claim to live by. It’s become clear the American people will need to save ourselves. For God’s sake, understand what the stakes are. We need everyone to take whatever positive action they can to save our country. .

Anyone who analyzes politics for a living should be seeing where we are in course of human events. Don’t trust the opinions of anyone who is missing the immensity of this moment.

We are in the midst of one of the most significant inflection points of human history. See what that perspective does for the ideas you share with us.   

I knew this moment would come, though I didn’t imagine the particulars. Even better, I know how it will turn out. Art showed me the corruption and downfall of the Postmodern system, and how it will be replaced. In my 2018 book, Remodern America: How the Renewal of the Arts Will Change the Course of Western Civilization, I wrote:

What is the spirit of this age?

History will recognize this as the era the general population of the United States realized the governing class and its connections, far from acting as responsible public servants, had mutated into an elitist ruling class.

These elitists decided amongst themselves, due to their superior intellects, credentials, and social status, they deserved to control how everybody else lived their lives. This mission of conquest was camouflaged with egalitarian rhetoric.

 In exchange for the burden of managing their inferiors, this New Class exempted themselves from the expectations they imposed on others. Those underlings who supported the ascendancy of these would-be rulers received some special considerations as well, a semiprivileged status—but their greatest reward was to bask in the reflected glory of their masters.

 The elitists had a plan, and it almost worked. Over decades, the institutions that sustained American culture have been infiltrated, their missions transformed.

 Government, media, education, the arts—the occupying elitists within dedicated all resources towards undermining sustaining Western values, all to better serve the consolidation of unaccountable power. They used their influence over the various means of cultural communication and expression to exert pressure at all levels of society to embrace collectivist goals, distorting the concept of equality.

 As part of these maneuvers, art was pushed into a crisis of relevance. Elitist malfeasance has marginalized the visual arts in popular culture. In doing so, the New Aristocracy of the Well-Connected block access to powerful resources. They deny our society the inspiration to live up to ideals, the encouragement to think and feel deeply, the yearning to harmonize with truth and beauty. As a result, the mass audience has turned away.

People instinctually reject the superficial and nihilistic contemporary art championed by an imperious would-be ruling class. We currently call this covert corrosion inflicted on the foundations of Western civilization the Postmodern era.

 A small sect usurped disproportionate power over the course of the entire nation. Now the terrible results of the corrupted establishment’s agenda are clear. Under their reign we are less prosperous, less safe, less free.

The elitists ran out of credibility and resources before their work was complete. Now, we, the people, must make sure they run out of time as well. The dominion of these deceitful despots must be demolished throughout the culture, on all fronts. Around the globe challenges are rising against the longstanding world order. The story of the 21st century will be the dismantling of centralized power.

 As always, this course of history was prophesied by artists—those who are intuitively aware of the path unfolding ahead. Their works become maps so that others may find the way. The new directives emerging in our culture must be acknowledged. Enduring changes start in the arts.

The entrenched interests are desperate to deny this uprising, but denial won’t stop us. The parasitic Postmodern era is finished, but it won’t go quietly. The vast project of reconstruction will commence as we dislodge the failed status quo.

What is the spirit of this age?

 This is an era of joyous insurgency and new beginnings.

 Welcome to Remodern America.


I don’t fundraise off of my blog. I don’t ask for Patreon or Paypal donations. If you’d like to support the Remodern mission, buy a book. Or a painting

My wife Michele Bledsoe has written her own inspirational book, Painting, Passion and the Art of Life.


Please send any inquiries to info@remodernamerica.com. Thank you!

UPDATE: Welcome Whatfinger and Instapundit readers! Please visit other articles for commentary of the state of the arts.

14 thoughts on “A CRISIS OF PERSPECTIVE: Pundits in Denial are Cratering Their Creditability

  1. I agree, if our Republic falls so falls civilization as we knew it.

    I’m not sure (can’t tell the player without a score card) who are the leaders and who are the fellow travelers, the folks that meet in Switzerland or those that meed in Peking (Yes I’m that old) but they’ve done a grand job of making folks, worldwide, huddle in place, march in lockstep and wear face diapers.

    I’m not extremely hopeful and admit it does look like all is lost, but it looked that way in 1776 as well.

    However if the fit does hits the shan; civilization(s) have fallen before, and I keep saying, one’s gotta have a plan D.

    Me and mine; we’re sitting up here on top of the world with Alaska’s population density of 1.3 persons per square mile. We’ve well more than a month’s food on hand, can quickly dry or can freezered food if necessary and two bugout Jeeps and two bugout pickups that can get us the 365 miles down to the coast if necessary.

    I haven’t been down in your neighborhood for quite a while Richard but a possible bolt I’d keep in mind is the 500 mile run to Canyon De Chelly , I suspect everyone else will be heading toward the coast.

  2. […] The Words of the Prophets Richard Bledsoe “Hapless Scrivener (Make with the Word)” oil on canvas 48″ x 36″ I do lots of random internet browsing in pursuit of my various obsessions. It’s part of the fascination of the online experience, how one thing leads to another. There’s always more to discover, ranging from truth… — Weiterlesen remodernreview.wordpress.com/2021/01/03/a-crisis-of-perspective-pundits-in-denial-are-cratering-thei… […]

  3. I am not at all surprised by the cowardice and treachery of the pundit class. I expected it. Rush Limbaugh supported NAFTA, and denounced those who opposed it. Michael Savage supported The Patriot Act, and denounced those who opposed it. Sean Hannity? Ben Shapiro? Establishment shills.

    The one who dismays me is Mark Levin: a former attorney at the Federal level, a multi-millionaire (I assume), and a leader of the Landmark Legal Foundation. He seems to recognize the disaster facing this nation, yet he… continues to talk on the radio, preaching to the choir.

    Why did he not go on hiatus, and devote all of his considerable resources – as have Sidney Powell and Lin Wood – to preserving this Republic? He acknowledges we may never have another free election – yet he apparently just continues to talk.

  4. “Make with the Word” … Abracadabra, right?
    Oh, for the Love of Life Orchestra. Forget the pundits. The most “respected” of them have been NeverTrump from right out of the gate. Their schtick has been to criticize loftily from the heights and sidelines, never to actually take responsibility for any real decisions. For such a career path, being a tolerated minority makes better sense. Dennis Prager is the only one of ’em who’s worth a dang.

  5. The gateway pundit and the last refuge (Conservative Treehouse) both have excellent data.

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