Tally This Banana

It was the zany story of the week. A prank so dumb, it was like it was tailor-made for Morning Zoo DJs.

At the glitzy swap meet of Miami Basel, a contemporary artist offered a banana duct taped to a wall for $120,000.00. The punchline is, somebody bought it.

This is about the only scenario when contemporary art gains mass media traction: when something stupid sells for lots of money. Then it becomes a snarky variation on a human interest story.

The fruit is a big hit. It’s called “Comedian,” which is a valid accusation. It was an edition of 3, and the whole bunch sold, each with their genuine certificate of authenticity. A performance artist tried to hitch his wagon to this star by eating the banana. He was not arrested for the art theft. A crisis was averted when the piece was reinstalled by simply taping another banana up.

Ultimately the fruit had to go, after admiring crowds could not be peeled away from it. It was quite the Snapchat destination for fair attendees.

These days, what else do you need?

This silly conceptual piece is actually behind the times. Our Marxist tainted cultural industries are hyping that the hot action now is in political art, and identity art, and identity politics pretending to be art. Putting out a goofy art object that presents kitsch as an ironic comment on the evil of market forces is so 2013. It’s also a lot tamer than other pieces this particular Italian artist is infamous for.

Maurizio Cattelan is what they call Conceptual. He doesn’t make the art displayed with his name on it. He just has an idea. He can’t be bothered to learn any of the skills needed to present the idea, so he hires people with actual talent to make it on his behalf. I don’t think he even taped the banana to the wall himself.

We laugh at this guy, and the dolts that paid him, but there is something more sinister inherent in this not-so-cheap gag. Cattelan’s body of work reveal him as a partisan for the destruction of our culture. The Postmodern crusade is waged on all fronts. It’s a relentless attempt to belittle and bully us all into submission.

The banana is just the latest variation on the endless Leftist quest to undermine and stifle human achievement.

These other works made in the name of Maurizio Cattelan demonstrate his character.

Like Pope John Paul II, crushed under a meteor.

Maurizio Cattelan, The Ninth Hour 


Or school boy Hitler at prayer:

Maurizio Cattelan, Him 

Or a big American style FU to the Italian Stock exchange.

Maurizio Cattelan, Love

Duty and nature both call a policewoman. What is it with these elitists and their scatological fixations?


Maurizio Cattelan, Petra


Another one. His tribute to the United States, a golden toilet. Bonus: this one was used by the Guggenheim to insult Orange Man Bad! 


Maurizio Cattelan, America


Our establishment wants to exterminate the experience of real art from our lives. Promoting junk like this keeps art safely irrelevant, a timeless human engagement rebranded as a weird plaything for the wealthy. As I state in my book, Remodern America: How the Renewal of the Arts Will Change the Course of Western Civilization:

“The establishment art world is just another brigade of shock troops serving the elites. All the administrators want is to preserve the status quo of their ill-gotten and severely abused authority. The apex operators of the global Postmodernists are ruthless in advancing their own interests, and will use any and all tactics available for their own advantage. Postmodern art is one of their weapons.

“Under the malign influence of Postmodernism, we’ve been lied to about the nature of creative expression, seen our culture cheapened into an elaborate swindle, and even had art itself betrayed into a form of abuse.”

The good news is the upheavals occurring across the globe show the Postmodern delusion is in its death throes. The nasty deconstruction typified by artists like Cattelan is at a dead end.

The bad news is the destruction that may happen during this massive shift of consciousness. The new times beginning, the Remodern era,will be an age of reconstruction.

It’s a vast project, but uplifting, honesty artistry will be needed to bring unity to our communities.


I don’t fundraise off of my blog. I don’t ask for Patreon or Paypal donations. If you’d like to support the Remodern mission, buy a book. Or a paintingPlease send any inquiries to Thank you! 

18 thoughts on “THE AWFUL ARTIST BEHIND THE $120,000 BANANA

  1. […]     Tally This Banana It was the zany story of the week. A prank so dumb, it was like it was tailor-made for Morning Zoo DJs. At the glitzy swap meet of Miami Basel, a contemporary artist offered a banana duct taped to a wall for $120,000.00. The punchline is, somebody bought it. This… — Weiterlesen […]


  3. It is interesting how predictable his politics are, even cliched. But that is also true on the other end of the spectrum. However, if he were suddenly to “walk away” from his radical left agenda, and, say, become a Trump supporter, and continue to make art, the art world would thoroughly reject his artwork. The great flaw of political art is that if you don’t agree with the politics in question, it completely fails.

    You’d think the art world would appreciate somewhat more sophisticated politics with more ambiguity and compromise, alas, Banksy has also made a career out of hammering home the safest political stances possible.

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