DAILY ART FIX: On Painter George Condo

Art world links which caught my eye…

George Condo, “The Smiling Sea Captain” oil on canvas, 79 7/8″ x 104 5/16″ 2008

This article on a 2009 exhibit captures the ambiguity I feel towards American painter George Condo (b. 1957)

“If not necessarily a major artist, George Condo is, however, an intriguing figure. But it is not easy to explain why. As ‘Lost Civilization,’ a sizable exhibition at the Musée Maillol, makes clear, Condo’s paintings are generally naive, not faux-naïf, and only rarely hilarious; his subject matter, ranging from whores to orgies and clowns, is banal but never about banality, and Condo does not seem to really ‘play’ with bad taste—it appears instead that bad taste plays with him, overwhelming any desire, on the part of the viewer, to perceive these pictures as conceptually cunning or ironic.”

Installation View of George Condo Paintings

Read the full article here: ARTFORUM – George Condo


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My wife Michele Bledsoe has written her own inspirational book, Painting, Passion and the Art of Life.


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