DAILY ART FIX: Art Matters Video – Philip Guston and the Experience of Art

The continuation of a new series of Remodern America videos. These videos are possible due to the technical skills of my wife: I am the director, and she makes my vision come to life. It’s another fun part of our creative collaborations.

Video Number Seven: Philip Guston and the Experience of Art

The life story of painter Philip Guston serves as both a cautionary tale about the group think of the establishment art world, and as an inspirational example of the triumph of artistic integrity – especially when it challenges a stale status quo. Exposure to real art enriches life.

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Video 1: The Death of Art vs the Art of Death

Video 2: Propaganda vs Art

Video 3: Art and the Heart of Darkness

Video 4: Painting and the End of History

Video 5: Empire Follows Art

Video 6: Masculinity and Art


I don’t fundraise off of my blog. I don’t ask for Patreon or Paypal donations. If you’d like to support the Remodern mission, buy a book. Or a painting

Learn more About My Art: Visionary Experience

My wife Michele Bledsoe has written her own inspirational book, Painting, Passion and the Art of Life.


Visit other posts for more commentary on the state of the arts.

Please send any inquiries to info@remodernamerica.com. Thank you!

DAILY ART FIX: Painter Charles Burchfield at the Smithsonian American Art Museum

Art world links which caught my eye…

Charles Burchfield “Orion in December” watercolor and pencil on paper 39 78” x 32 78”  1959 

American painter Charles Burchfield (1893-1967) was known for his shimmering, mystical landscape watercolors.

The Smithsonian American Art Museum has a selection of Burchfield’s work from their collection posted on their website.

Charles Burchfield “Night of the Equinox” watercolor, brush and ink, gouache, and charcoal on paper mounted on paperboard, 40 1⁄8″ x 52 1⁄8″ 1917-1955,

See the full collection here: The Smithsonian American Art Museum – Charles Burchfield


I don’t fundraise off of my blog. I don’t ask for Patreon or Paypal donations. If you’d like to support the Remodern mission, buy a book. Or a painting

Learn more About My Art: Visionary Experience

My wife Michele Bledsoe has written her own inspirational book, Painting, Passion and the Art of Life.


Visit other posts for more commentary on the state of the arts.

Please send any inquiries to info@remodernamerica.com. Thank you!